Wire GOST 9389-75

High-carbon steel spring wire GOST 9389-75
Rating: 4.8 Votes: 11
GOST 9389-75, DIN 17223, EN 10270-1
In stock

High-carbon steel spring wire of State Standard GOST 9389-75

High-carbon steel spring wire of State Standard GOST 9389-75 is designed for spring manufacturing, being wound cold without further hardening. At the customer’s request wire is manufactured with zinc or phosphate coating. Galvanized coating of GOST 9389-75 can be used as a core for Egoza razor wire https://egoza.com/catalog/single-coil and other types of wire-reinforced barbed tape. Steel spring wire is produced from 2,00 mm to 6,00 mm in diameter, shipment of spring wire with intermediate diameters is possible at the customer’s request. Carbon iron spring wire complies with the standards GOST 9389-75, DIN 17223 and EN 10270-1. In accordance with State Standard GOST 9389-75 spring wire is manufactured depending on accuracy – standard and increased accuracy, on mechanical properties – 1, 2, and 3 classes and grades B and C. Under DIN 17223 spring wire is produced of grades A and B, under EN 10270-1 iron spring wire is manufactured of groups S, SM and SH.

Supply of GOST 9389-75 spring wire

Carbon spring wire of GOST 9389-75 is supplied of diverse make. Spring wire 0,2-0,65 mm in diameter is delivered in coils 7-30 kg each or in BS-60 reels. Spring wire 0,6-1,3 mm in diameter is supplied in coils up to 80 kg or in Z2, Z2S type reels, and wire from 1,7 mm to 3,5 mm in diameter can be supplies in coils of ‘rozetta’ type weighing 500-800 kg. Carbon spring wire 1,3-3,0 mm in diameter is shipped in coils 100-150 kg each or in reels up to 1000 kg. Carbon spring wire of GOST 9389-75 is covered with a continuous oil layer protecting wire against rust. At the request of a customer it is possible to supply spring wire without oiling. Coils, reels, bundles of wire are packaged in moisture-proof paper, polymer film and polypropylene fabric.

Mechanical properties of spring wire

Spring wire of GOST 9389-75

Wire diameter, mm Tensile strength, N/mm2
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
0,20 - 0,30 2700 - 3040 2260 - 2700 1770 - 2260
0,32 - 0,36 2650 - 2990 2210 - 2650 1720 - 2210
0,40 - 0,60 2600 - 2940 2160 - 2600 1670 - 2160
0,63 - 0,80 2550 - 2890 2160 - 2550 1670 - 2160
0,9 2500 - 2790 2110 - 2500 1620 - 2110
1,0 2450 - 2740 2060 - 2450 1570 - 2060
1,1 2400 - 2700 2010 - 2450 1520 - 2010
1,2 2350 - 2650 1960 - 2350 1520 - 1960
1,3 2300 - 2600 1960 - 2300 1520 - 1960
1,4 2260 - 2550 1960 - 2260 1470 - 1960
1,5 2210 - 2500 1860 - 2210 1420 - 1860
1,6 2160 - 2450 1860 - 2160 1420 - 1860
1,70 - 1,80 2060 - 2350 1770 - 2060 1370 - 1770
1,9 2010 - 2300 1770 - 2010 1370 - 1770
2,0 2010 - 2260 1770 - 2010 1370 - 1770
2,1 1960 - 2210 1720 - 1960 1370 - 1720
2,20 - 2,30 1910 - 2160 1670 - 1910 1320 - 1670
2,5 1810 - 2060 1620 - 1860 1270 - 1620
2,8 1770 - 2010 1620 - 1860 1270 - 1620
3,0 1720 - 1960 1620 - 1860 1270 - 1620
3,2 1720 - 1960 1520 - 1770 1230 - 1520
3,50 - 3,60 1670 - 1910 1520 - 1770 1230 - 1520
4,0 1620 - 1860 1470 - 1720 1180 - 1470
4,2 1570 - 1810 1420 - 1670 1130 - 1420
4,5 1520 - 1770 1370 - 1620 1130 - 1370
5,0 1470 - 1720 1370 - 1620 1130 - 1370
5,6 1420 - 1670 1320 - 1570 1080 - 1320
6,0 1420 - 1670 1320 - 1570 1080 - 1320
6,3 1420 - 1670 1390 - 1560 1080 - 1320
6,5 1420 - 1670 1380 - 1550 1080 - 1320
7,0 1420 - 1670 1350 - 1530 1080 - 1320

Spring wire of GOST 9389-75

Wire diameter, mm Tensile strength coil runaway, H/mm2
Grade B Grade C
Class 1, 2, 2A, 3 Class 1 Class 2, 2A Class 3
0,20 - 0,25 300 340 440 490
0,28 290 340 440 490
0,30 - 0,40 280 340 440 490
0,40 - 0,56 260 340 440 490
0,60 - 0,70 240 340 440 490
0,80 - 0,90 230 340 440 490
1,00 - 1,10 220 290 390 490
1,20 - 1,30 210 290 390 440
1,40 - 1,90 200 290 290 440
2,00 - 3,00 200 250 250 340
3,10 - 5,60 200 250 250 290
5,80 - 6,30 200 210 250
6,50 - 7,00 200 200 200

Spring wire DIN 17223

Tensile strength coil runaway, H/mm2
0,3 2370-2650 0,9 2010-2260 2,6 1450-1660 1670-1880
0,32 2350-2630 0,95 2000-2240 2,8 1420-1640 1650-1850
0,34 2330-2600 1,0 1720-1970 1980-2200 3,0 1410-1620 1630-1830
0,36 2310-2580 1,05 1710-1950 1960-2200 3,2 1390-1600 1610-1810
0,38 2290-2560 1,1 1690-1940 1950-2190 3,4 1370-1580 1590-1780
0,4 2270-2550 1,2 1670-1910 1920-2160 3,6 1350-1560 1570-1760
0,43 2250-2520 1,25 1660-1900 1910-2140 3,8 1340-1540 1550-1740
0,45 2240-2500 1,3 1640-1890 1900-2130 4,0 1320-1520 1530-1730
0,48 2220-2480 1,4 1620-1860 1870-2100 4,25 1310-1500 1510-1700
0,5 2220-2470 1,5 1600-1840 1850-2080 4,5 1290-1490 1500-1680
0,53 2180-2450 1,6 1590-1820 1830-2050 4,75 1270-1470 1480-1670
0,56 2170-2430 1,7 1570-1800 1810-2030 5,0 1260-1450 1460-1650
0,6 2140-2400 1,8 1550-1780 1790-2010 5,3 1440-1630
0,63 2130-2380 1,9 1540-1760 1770-1990 5,6 1430-1610
0,65 2120-2370 2,0 1520-1750 1760-1970 6,0 1400-1580
0,7 2090-2350 2,1 1510-1730 1740-1960 6,3 1390-1560
0,75 2070-2320 2,25 1490-1710 1720-1930 6,5 1380-1550
0,8 2050-2300 2,4 1470-1690 1700-1910 7,0 1350-1530
0,85 2030-2280 2,5 1460-1680 1690-1890

Spring wire EN 10270-1

Wire diameter, mm Mass, kg/1000 m Tensile strength coil runaway for wire of grades, H/mm2
Nominal diameter, mm Allowed deviation, mm SL H/mm2 SM, DM H/mm2 SH H/mm2
0,53 ±0,010 1,73 2180-2450 2460-2720
0,56 1,93 2170-2430 2440-2700
0,6 2,22 2140-2400 2410-2670
0,63 2,45 2130-2380 2390-2650
0,65 2,6 2120-2370 2380-2640
0,7 ±0,015 3,02 2090-2350 2360-2610
0,75 3,47 2070-2320 2330-2580
0,8 3,95 2050-2300 2310-2560
0,85 4,45 2030-2280 2290-2530
0,9 ±0,020 4,99 2010-2260 2270-2510
0,95 5,59 2000-2240 2250-2490
1 6,17 1720-1970 1980-2220 2230-2470
1,05 6,8 1710-1950 1960-2200 2210-2450
1,1 7,46 1690-1940 1950-2190 2200-2430
1,2 8,88 1670-1910 1920-2160 2170-2400
1,25 ±0,020 9,63 1660-1900 1910-2140 2150-2380
1,3 10,42 1640-1890 1900-2130 2140-2370
1,4 12,08 1620-1860 1870-2100 2110-2340
1,5 13,9 1600-1840 1850-2080 2090-2310
1,6 15,8 1590-1820 1830-2050 2060-2290
1,7 17,8 1570-1800 1810-2030 2040-2260
1,8 ±0,025 20 1550-1780 1790-2010 2020-2240
1,9 22,3 1540-1760 1770-1990 2000-2220
2 24,7 1520-1750 1760-1970 1980-2200
2,1 27,2 1510-1730 1740-1960 1970-2180
2,25 31,2 1490-1710 1720-1930 1940-2150
2,4 35,5 1470-1690 1700-1910 1920-2130
2,5 38,5 1460-1680 1690-1890 1900-2110
2,6 41,7 1450-1660 1670-1880 1890-2100
2,8 ±0,030 48,3 1420-1640 1650-1850 1860-2070
3 55,5 1410-1620 1630-1830 1840-2040
3,2 63,1 1390-1600 1610-1810 1820-2020
3,4 71,3 1370-1580 1590-1780 1790-1990
3,6 79,9 1350-1560 1570-1760 1770-1970
3,8 89 1340-1740 1550-1740 1750-1950
4 ±0,030 98,6 1320-1520 1530-1730 1740-1930
4,25 ±0,035 111 1310-1500 1510-1700 1710-1900
4,5 125 1290-1490 1500-1680 1690-1880
4,75 139 1270-1470 1480-1670 1680-1860
5 154 1260-1450 1460-1650 1660-1840
5,3 173 1240-1430 1440-1630 1640-1820
5,6 ±0,040 193 1230-1420 1430-1610 1620-1800
6 222 1210-1390 1400-1580 1590-1770