Wire TU 14-4-1457-87

Galvanized wire for cords and cables TU 14-4-1457-87
Rating: 4.6 Votes: 7
TU 14-4-1457-87
In stock

Galvanized wire for cords and cables of TU 14-4-1457-87

Galvanized steel wire for cords and cables of Technical Conditions TU 14-4-1457-87 is used for manufacturing of cords and cables. TU 14-4-1457-87 wire is produced and supplied 0,3 mm to 0,5 mm in diameter. Iron wire TU 14-4-1457-87 is manufactured with different zinc coverage degree – of S group (severe) and SS group (super severe).

Supply of galvanized wire of TU 14-4-1457-87

Galvanized steel wire of TU 14-4-1457-87 for manufacturing of cords and cables is supplied in coils 10 kg and more each. TU 14-4-1457-87 coiled wire is packaged in one paper layer and after that is placed into wooden boxes.

Mechanical properties of TU 14-4-1457-87 wire

Diameter, mm Class 1 Class 2
Tensile strength, H/mm2 Q-ty of kinks, not less Tensile strength, H/mm2 Q-ty of kinks, not less
0,3 1960-2340 50 1570-1950 55
0,5 1770-2070 35 1370-1750 40

TU 14-4-1457-87 wire zinc coating

Diameter, mm Surface zinc density, g/m2
SS group S group
0,3 45 30
0,5 30